Press & media
Images and graphics
Coor provides images for media and press. The images are free and publications in daily and business press as well as regular publications is allowed.

Press & media
Coor provides images for media and press. The images are free and publications in daily and business press as well as regular publications is allowed.
Jenny Lindgren
Senior Vice President Operations Development
Coor Workplace employee handling logistics.
Coor Reception Employees at front desk.
Coor Workplace Advisory team in a meeting.
Coor Cleaning employee in an elevator.
Coor Property employees working in warehouse.
The pictures are free and it is permitted to publish them in the daily and business press, as well as regular publications.
If you would like other images, other formats or have questions about copyright issues, etc, please contact Magdalena Öhrn, Group Communications, +46 (0)10 559 5519