Data-Driven Cleaning: The Right Effort in the Right Place
Imagine if you, as a customer, had the opportunity to receive a cleaning service that measured in real-time how much different surfaces were used and adjusted the cleaning accordingly. This is now possible with Coor's concept for data-driven cleaning – which we have developed over the year in close collaboration with customers, suppliers, and employees.

In 2024, an intensive pilot project took place in a Swedish office building of 25,000 square meters. The result: Coor's new concept for data-driven cleaning, which was launched at the turn of the year.
"With data-driven cleaning, we ensure that cleaning is carried out exactly where it is needed. Our goal was to develop an innovative and data-driven concept in close collaboration with the customer, which improves the cleaning service. It is a concept that we are now ready to roll out broadly", explains Jacqueline Järmens, service developer in cleaning at Coor.
Our employees on site have been very engaged in the project, and that is crucial because they have to adopt a completely new way of working.
Jaqcueline Järmens, Service Developer in Cleaning
During the pilot project, the cleaning was based on data collected by the 250 sensors installed throughout the building. The incoming data was sent to an IT tool that analyzed and distributed it. The cleaners working on the project had tablets mounted on their cleaning carts where a map of the building clearly indicated which areas had been activated by sensors. Examples of data can be how many times a toilet has been used or how long a meeting room has been occupied during the day.
"This method is based on the obvious principle that it is better to clean the surfaces that have actually been used. If, for example, there are two toilets, where one has been used ten times and the other not at all, it is naturally more efficient to only clean the one that has been used, instead of both."
Customer engagement and close dialogue are crucial to creating a successful concept.

Another example of using data is if a customer often runs out of toilet paper in one of their toilets but is otherwise satisfied with our work. Then one might ask: is the best solution to increase our visits – which would raise the customer's costs – or is it smarter to review the size of the toilet paper holders? says Jacqueline Järmens. When Coor measures and analyzes its cleaning delivery based on frequency, there are therefore more ways to improve the delivery than just adjusting the number of times a surface is cleaned.
The past year has been characterized by close collaboration with the customer – a large industrial company – where the pilot project was carried out. During the development of the concept, Coor worked according to the established collaboration model, which means that together with the customer, they analyze and evaluate the delivery before any changes are implemented.
"We are convinced that customer engagement and close dialogue are crucial to creating a successful concept, says Jacqueline Järmens."
Both the customer and Coor are very satisfied with the result:
"During the pilot project, we have continuously followed up on the quality of our cleaning and optimized it when needed. Our employees on site have been very engaged in the project, and that is crucial because they have to adopt a completely new way of working, says Jacqueline Järmens."
She describes how data-driven cleaning also improves the work for the cleaners. Working according to a structured cleaning model based on actual usage and an overview of which tasks need to be performed makes the work clearer and more meaningful.
According to Jacqueline Järmens, the new concept combines two of Coor's core values:
"It is based on our passion for innovation and our commitment to finding new solutions for our customers. We strive to become more data-driven and digitalized overall. Just like many of our customers, we want to be at the forefront when it comes to innovation and new solutions. Our ambition is always to create sustainable services and concepts that increase customer satisfaction."