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Coor supports research project on sustainable food

Norwegian consumers have little knowledge of the connection between climate challenges, sustainability and food, according to two surveys from Opinion and Ipsos/Orkla. Eight out of ten Norwegians say they want to live more sustainably, but almost 70 per cent have difficulty choosing sustainable food.

Together with Nofima and Orkla, among others, Coor has received a grant of NOK 12 million from the Research Council of Norway for the sustainability project Food (R)evolution. Coor will have main responsibility for the project, which runs until 2024.

As just over one million lunches are eaten in staff canteens in Norway every day and many diners are willing to try new products, the staff canteen is a suitable arena for serving new and improved lunches that are also good for the environment. Coor’s staff restaurants in Norway will be used to try out new, sustainable products in order to learn more about how the products will be received before they are released in the market. The goal is to get more sustain­ able products into food stores and canteens.

“This is a very exciting opportunity for Coor, where we can help to improve access to sustainable food for Norwegian consumers. It is also valuable for us to be able to serve even more sustainable products in our restaurants,” says Henrik Fonahn, Head of Sustainability at Coor Norway.