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A great partner makes for great experiences

Delivering great experiences on the soccer field, in exhibition centers or hotels requires a partner that you can trust. Unsatisfactory results with a previous cleaning services provider led Odense Sport & Event to look around for a new, more reliable supplier. This is where Coor came in.

Odense congress center

“We’d had some unsatisfactory experiences with our previous cleaning services provider and invoicing that wasn’t entirely transparent. This meant that we were seeking to improve quality and reliability when we decided to switch supplier in 2017,” Stefan Nørgaard Seile, Operations and Planning Manager at Odense Sport & Event explains.

“Coor, which went under the name of EliteMiljø at the time, had bid for the contract in the past, and their bid showed a detailed knowledge of our operations and a clear willingness to take on the task. This is what led us to select them.”

Odense Sport & Events’ operations encompass several different segments of the experience industry. Coor is responsible for cleaning a hotel, an exhibition center with 3 halls, a multi-arena with a conference center, as well as office premises and VIP areas in the arena. That’s a large floor space and many events to cover each year, and it was in this context that Coor’s experience of the Herning exhibition center and elsewhere became a decisive factor.

“Coor manages our fixed, daily operations while remaining flexible about the unpredictable nature of our business which makes it hard to predict how much or little help we’ll need. They adapt staffing levels according to our needs. This works well for us and relieves us from having to manage this challenge,” Stefan Nørgaard Seile explains.

Alongside Odense Sport & Event, Coor has produced lists, routines and communication paths that ensure that everyone is set up to carry out the work and achieve great results.

“Coor is about to become a major operator with a great many possibilities. Even if Coor aren’t a permanent part of our site and we only use a relatively small proportion of what they can offer, we all work in the same business, and Coor has suggested many improvements and optimizations that save us money. We’ve come a long way towards solving the problems we had when we started the collaboration,” commented Stefan Nørgaard Seile.

Contact us by filling out this form if you have any questions regarding our work with our customers or about us. Please note, we cannot accept job applications submitted here - you will find all our job vacancies under Working at Coor.